Uncovering the lost fishing gear of the Salish Sea

Lost fishing gear is a globally under studied problem, damaging marine ecosystems via habitat degradation, killing marine life, and negatively affecting commercial fishery stocks. There is a large knowledge gap, in information regarding why and where commercial fishing gear is lost in BC's marine environments. Caitie’s study aims to address this knowledge gap by investigating why and where commercial fishing gear is lost in Salish Sea. This information can possibly guide future fisheries and marine wildlife management decisions to ensure marine protected areas are not exposed to the inherent risks of lost fishing gear while balancing the needs of the commercial industry.
Caitie Frenkel is a first year master's student in the School of Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria studying why and where commercial fishing gear gets lost in the Salish Sea. Caitie’s previous career experience includes an internship with Ocean Networks Canada, a naturalist in Victoria’s whale watching industry, coordinating commercial fishing data at Archipelago, and collaborating with the Global Ghost Gear Initiative. 

For more information about Caitie and her research: https://natalieban.wordpress.com/
For more information about ghost gear: https://www.ghostgear.org/
Uncovering the lost fishing gear of the Salish Sea
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